For those of us who didn’t realize an eBike wasn’t just an electric bike, it is so much more! Each e-bike features electric battery-powered motors that are typically built into the bike frames. It’s possible to get either a front-wheel-drive, a rear-wheel-drive or even two-wheel-drive e-bike. E-bikes have a controller and a display screen that can help assist you in propelling the bike. The display will show you distance, speed, battery levels, and charging time, and the motors typically help propel your pedaling. Some models don’t require pedaling, but most do. The pedaling type does not require as much effort to pedal as traditional bikes and will help you on long distances, and hills. You won’t be tired even after traveling long distances.
The e-bikes that you pedal not only will let you travel up to 35 miles and greater on a single charge. They can even help you get in shape. Even though assisted pedaling is not as strenuous the motions and movement still help you get fit. Multiple available studies show that e-bikes are not cheating, and have aerobic and cardiovascular benefits. Not to mention it is extremely fun to bike down the streets with the wind in your hair.
The next best thing to taking care of your health is a monetary reward. This is where the e-bike can also help. When you typically think of taking the car, take your e-bike, especially if you’re close. Switching over to an e-bike to get to work could save you big on gas money. And, in some cases, an e-bike can save you on parking, and finding a good spot.
The third benefit is to the planet. You can get in shape, save money, and help cut down on carbon emissions. Every gallon you save by not driving is saving 20 pounds of Co2 creation. (1) That’s a lot! You can feel good by getting exercise, and you can feel even better knowing that you’ll have a small transportation footprint.
Get started by looking at some of the options available from OldSpokesHome.com a local Burlington, Vermont bike shop. Old Spokes Home was founded twenty years ago as a new and used bike and repair shop. Now Old Spokes home is also a non-profit that provides bikes accessible to everyone in the community. If you know someone that needs a bike to improve their lives, but they can’t quite afford one, chances are Old Spokes Home has a solution. For their retail side of the business in-person and online, you’ll find a variety of e-bikes that are eligible for rebates and 0% financing. Supporting this amazing local business gives those-in-need a leg up on transportation, and they offer and service some of the best e-bikes on the market.
The best part is if you are a Burlington Electric Department customer you could get a $200 instant rebate (for qualifying ebikes). 0% interest rates are only available if you purchase your bike through Old Spokes Homes and meet income requirements. Other restrictions may apply.
Get started on by seeing if you qualify for zero percent interest lending by visiting https://www.oppsvt.org/e-bike-loan-program/
From here you can apply online, and start the process of owning your own e-bike! Safe travels. If you have any questions please contact us by filling out the form below, or by calling (802) 654-4540.
(1) US Energy Information Administration eia.gov