Money$ense Financial Education Programs:
Money$ense offers a range of Financial Workshops and One on One Financial Mentoring sessions to help you along all of the stages of the “Asset Path” to financial security. Take advantage of our financial education, workshops, mentoring and tools. Bring your motivation and you will have the opportunity to take control of your financial future and make steps towards your goals. Enroll today!
Email us at to schedule a time.
One on One Financial Mentoring

Our Financial Mentors will meet with you privately to understand barriers and challenges preventing you from achieving your financial goals. Together you will build an action plan, outline next steps and receive coaching and support. You bring the motivation and we will bring the tools and together we will build a plan for your future
Email us at to schedule a time.
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Financial Workshops

Learn Better in a Group Setting? We offer many classes to help you manage your money better. Check out our current class schedule and enroll today!