Opportunities turns 35 this year, so it’s time to look back at our Impact over time.
We have made just over $650 MILLION in community development loans since we were first opened in 1989. What does that mean? It means we’ve helped Vermonters buy over 3900 affordable homes!! We’ve provided Vermonters with over $10 million in energy-saving loans! We’ve helped Vermonters buy 1865 cars! We’ve helped 1400 Vermont businesses grow! We’ve made 774 loans to help disabled Vermonters get the accessibility devices they need. This is what a community development credit union does.
We are also considered a Low-Income credit union which means that roughly 60% of the people who benefitted from our work earned less than 80% of the area HUD Median income.
We are also a CDFI-certified credit union, the only one in Vermont. This means the federal government regularly judges our work and considers us worthy of applying for grants from the US Treasury. We take this designation very seriously and strive to meet the tough qualifications each and every year.
We have great employees who are fully dedicated to our mission, building our results and addressing the needs of our member each and every day. Without them, we could not do any of this valuable work.
Please join us and align your values with a financial institution that does the same! Welcome (oppsvt.org)